Topic outline

  • Introduction

    INTRODUCTION to the course
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    The training is geared towards the improvement/refinement of your job hunt skills in relation to the following topics:

     - how to make use of the Europass documents;

     - how to create your successful RAY  profile;

     - how to successfully set goals and plan your career;

     - how to successfully go through a job interview.

    This online training is an integral part of the Rural Active Youth Job Portal (RAY Portal). The RAY Portal is a project cofounded by the Erasmus + programme of the EU. It aims at increasing social and labour market inclusion of youth in rural areas of Bulgaria, Slovenia, Portugal and Italy while supporting enterprises and business in matching labour demand and supply locally. With these objectives in mind, the project partners developed a cutting-edge job portal focused on the needs of rural businesses and rural youth. The platform features two independent login spaces (youth and employers) and a dedicated educational tool to support young people in their career developments. The training and the platform are free of charge and ready-to-use for both young people and businesses alike.

  • Module 1: My Europass documents

    This module is on Europass - a widely recognized European skill validation tool. You will learn about :

      - why is it important career-wise;

      - some hints and tips to write great CV and Cover letter;

      - how to store your documents on the cloud.

  • Module 2: My RAY Profile

    Upon completion of this module you will be able to:

      - understand how the RAY platform works;

      - create your own RAY profile and showcase your  skills;

      - manage your job applications;

      - appreciate the importance of your online profile.

  • Module 3: My future career plan

    Upon completion of this module you will be able to:

      - identify your skills and competences;

      - differentiate between a wish and a goal;

      - set SMART goals;

      - create an action plan and a career plan;

  • Module 4: My Job Interview

    At the end of the module you will:

      - understand how a job interview can be implemented;

      - know yourself better;

      - know how to highlight your positive features;

      - manage your job interview and communications skills.